Convert Nano Wallet to UTF8 text and vice-versa


0 characters
0 bytes
Newline at the end of each wallet?

Nano Wallets (1 per line)

0 Wallets
Choose wallet prefix

Any character in UTF8 can be represented in base32 within a Nano wallet ... it's not just ASCII characters ... but a huge range of symbols and characters from different languages.

Each wallet supports up to 32 bytes. Therefore, the maximum each wallet can store is 32 characters if each character occupies up to 1 byte. However, some special characters may occupy more than 1 byte. Examples: ABC...XYZ 1234567890 , . ! ? ; @ ( ] = 1 byte
ç ã â í é ó ž ¼ ½ ¶ § ¤ ¥ ¢ ® ß æ Ё ϻ Є ϖ ϕ = 2 bytes
ህ ሑ ቔ ፺ ⶼ ꬬ 日 行 高 時 ⏁ ⏃ ⏈ ⏎ ⏳ = 3 bytes
𒇤 𒈂 𒈘 𒈙 𒐝 𒐫 = 4 bytes